Rezet Store Aarhus
Søndergade 70
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Shop phone: (+45) 20 63 73 16
Explore the in-store selection here
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 10 - 18
Friday: 10 - 19
Saturday: 10 - 18
Sunday: 11 - 16
Our first shop in Jutland
The market for sneakers has been changing quite a bit in recent years. From being reserved to a closed group of sneaker aficionados and retailers backyards and basements, sneakers today have become the most popular everyday shoes. Rezet Sneaker Store has been on this journey since 2011, when we first opened a store in an old apartment on Rådhusstræde downtown Copenhagen.

Room for stories
The sneaker market is characterized by a growing amount of product innovation, andlimited edition releases, which had to be taken in to account when designing the newretail-spaces. Therefore, each store has a number of dedicated brand-spaces for the mostimportant sneaker brands to tell their most important stories.
About our branded spaces
As mentioned, the store consists of dedicated areas for our top brands and their ongoing key stories. These areas function as snapshots of what should be focused on right here and now. In a modern context, one could call them physical blog posts. The essence of these branded spaces is to tell the newest and most important stories when they are relevant. We are also pleased with the store's first floor, which exclusively features products for the female segment. Especially the neon sign that says "Girls" is one of our favorites.